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Monday, December 29, 2014

Spending less money and Asking for what I want part one

Instead of stressing about the things I don’t have or how long it will take me to save for the things I want, I have come up with a plan.
I want to pay off my debt, buy a house and travel to India for six months.
These three things will take a lot of money so I have to see where I can cut expenses. I want to keep my apartment, my truck and my cell phone so I will keep paying those bills every month.
 I like to watch movies but I don’t really need to go to the movies or buy DVDs when there are movies for free at the library. Yes I will most likely have to go to the one downtown but that is not so bad, at least I have a running truck.
 I have been over eating lately and it just hit me really hard this morning. I was reading about children who were living on only a hand full of rice twice a day. Not an adult handful either.  That’s it just a small bit of rice and dirty water. I can buy an entire weeks’ worth of their food for less than a dollar.  So way would I ever need more than $15 dollars’ worth of food a month? If I eat less I will spend less money and lose weight too. So I tried it.
One big meal a day and fruit, tea or something lite whenever I get hungry.  I did not eat something every two hours. I did not eat at set times. I just listened to my body and ate when I needed it. Well guess what. Just two days into this new “diet” and I have more energy than I have had in years. Less migraines and muscle pain. Best of all I can think! The fibro-fog has lifted! This alone seems like a miracle come from the simplest of changes.
 I still get enough migraines and pain that I can’t lift heavy things or stand on my feet for long periods but I am happier. Some people might look down on me for not working a typical job or going to the food pantry when I run out of veggies but I don’t want their life so their words don’t matter. It is ego and pride that has keep me from asking for help. Reading about other people’s suffering kicked that real quickly. I truly believe God will give me what I need if I just ask for it.
 Now back to my main point. Since I am not spending money on food or movies. Since I am only paying the bills and for Gas in my truck. I have more money to put aside each month for paying off my debt, buying a house and booking a plane ticket to India.  It will still take me years to save up the whole amount for each thing but not as many years. So what’s next?

The things I want that don’t have to cost money. Being happy, enjoying my life with passion and not being alone. All of that will come in my next post. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

My New Health Journal and My New Doctor

I started keeping a health Journal again. I am tracking everything i eat, everything i do and any pain or symptoms I have. I know I have started many health Journals before and quickly got tired of them. I am not saying I won't get tired of this one but I am going to force myself to keep at it.

One good thing about living in Louisville again is Rainbow Blossom. Every month they have a Day with the Doctor. Once a month I can go see a doctor who deals in natural treatments. I get fifteen minutes for free. More if no one else is signed up. There are really two Day with the Doctor  each month but I don't like the parking at the St. Matthews branch so I will just have to stick to once a month at the Highlands Rainbow Blossom.

Wish Me Luck.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Learning to live an unplanned life

Today I was wasting time online when I saw this quote.
"How do you make God laugh? Say 'I have a plan'".
I have tried every kind of plan I can think of and still nothing ever seems to work. I can't do the same things at the same time everyday and most days I am lucky if I get half the things on my to do list done. Even now as I write this I am fighting to see over my cat who decided she just had to come sit on my chest. I am trying to let go of all my expections for both the future and the persent. God decides what happens in every moment of our lives. It does not do me any good to stress over how long my to do list is or how many things I did not get done. I could not focus well enough to work on my novel today but that's ok. There is always tomorrow. Right now I am going to let go of my stress and watch tv with my jelous cat. Good night everybody. I hope tomorrow is a happy stress free day for you and your family.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Why I like Covering my head.

I have always been fascinated by head coverings. From the tight, super covering scarfs some Muslim women wear to the loose end of a sari thrown over the heads of many Indian women. I would love to walk around all day everyday with the end of my sari gently blowing in the wind around my face. Sadly I only have one sari so I have to make due with a scarf.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

America is Freedom

America is Freedom but what does that really mean?
When I think about what it means to be American I think back to our fore fathers. Yes they were christian but they came here looking for the freedom to worship and live the way they wanted. Not the king or Pope's way.
They built this country on the dream of religious freedom for everyone.
They built this country on the dream of being able to say whatever you want to say.
They built this country on the dream of being able to protect yourself and your family.
To me an American is someone who tries to give all people those same rights to religion, speech and protection, no matter how different they are from you. You don't have to talk to someone who believes different. You don't have to let them in your home but as Americans you should respect their rights. You should not do physical harm to anyone or their property even if they are very different from you. If you are invited or go into someone's home or place of worship show the proper respect. If you can't show respect simply don't go. They have the rights to live their life as they see fit just like you do.
That is truly American 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I am human

I laugh, I cry
I bleed and I can die
Good times and bad
Happy or sad
I am human
Thoughts and emotions
Racing around my head
Good moments the never
Seem to last long enough
I am human
And sometimes I just need
A drink

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Meaning of Freedom

Freedom is not this list set in stone. It does not mean you are free only if you have A, B, and C. The meaning of freedom is different for every person. That meaning can also change as a person goes through different experiences. Freedom is not only an American idea either. For one person freedom might be tied to soldiers, for someone else it may not. One person’s idea of freedom might be very simple while someone else has a very complex idea of what freedom means. All personal views of freedom are right.

No matter what your freedom is, No matter what my freedom is, every freedom comes at a price.
To me freedom is being able to choose how I live. I don’t want to work a typical 9 to 5 job I hate. The price I have to pay for that freedom is learning to live on less money. Sometimes I even have to deal with people calling me lazy or a bum.

Every moment of every day we have to decide if the freedom is worth the price.

The Nature of Friendship

There are many levels of friendship and each one is different for each person. I have yet to find that perfect friendship that has everything I want.  I have known deep loneliness. I looked for that friend who could be the cure all to my depression and loneliness but I never found them. I guess you can say I have kind of given up on ever finding that perfect best friend. Instead I have started settling into the friendships I have.

Those relationships are the ones that really test me. I am tested every day by a cat who always seems to want attention when I am busy or too tried. Every day she reminds me that I have to take time for others if I want them to take time for me. One of my human friends reminds me that sometimes opposites can attract and become good friends. I see her personality and I am always reminded of why I live my life the way I do.

The real nature of friendship is that you have to treat it like a marriage. You pick someone and you become stuck to each other. You just don’t leave them because of some little annoying habit they have. You have to learn to deal with it. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Spiritual Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the system of healing that has been used in India for thousands of years. It looks at both a person's body as well as their mind.
My new Ayurveda doctor gave me a short list of things to do for my spiritual health.
Find a meditation group
She told me to look online for a meditation group near me. I knew there were alot of groups in Cincinnati but I wanted to find one close enough for me to walk to. I don't drive if I can help it. I found a group called sahaja meditation. It is almost a mix of yoga and meditation.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My New Ayurveda Life

I saw my New Ayurveda doctor yesterday. She was very nice and helpful. She looked at my tongue and took my pulse. After answering lots of questions she told me how to live a healthier life.


  • Drink 50 to 100 ounces of water a day
  • eat more vegetables 
  • eat less fruit - Only one piece a day - one apple or one orange
  • Go Gluten free
  • Scrap my tongue in morning and evening 
  • wash eyes with cool water
  • put a little coconut oil on my under my nose
  • cook everything - cooked is better then raw even when it comes to fruit
  • Don't buy any boxed, canned or refined foods
  • When shopping go around the edge of the store instead of going down the rows
  • Eat more Indian food
For breakfast she suggested I try steel cut oats mixed with cinnamon, Maple Syrup and milk cooked in a rice cooker.

I will right another post soon about the spiritual things she told me to do.