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Monday, November 26, 2012

Travel & Exercise

Quotes and inspiration from Travel, There’s nothing like a little fresh Air By Nancy Trejos (@nancytrejos) USA Today Tuesday November 13, 2012

Sadly I have not been able to fly much, but I have still traveled quite a bit. Whether I travel by plane or car, over the last few years I have always traveled with only a carry-on bag.
“Chris McGinnis travels with just a carry-on bag, which leaves little room for running shoes. When he wants to exercise during a trip, he takes long walks.”
When I went to the convention in New Orleans this past March, I did quite a bit of walking. I had to, I didn’t have a car and some streets were too narrow for one anyways. When I travel by car I don’t walk nearly as much as I should.  I have never been to what you would call a “walking friendly” hotel. I didn’t even know such a thing existed until I read this article by Nancy Trejos. I have been missing out.
“The Hotel Wolcott in Midtown Manhattan provides pedometers and walking maps at the front desk.”
I wonder if you get to keep the pedometer after your stay is over?
“Affinia Hotels, which has properties in New York and Washington D.C., offers guests a Walking Tour Kit that contains an Ipod Shuffle or Nano loaded with Affinia Walking Tours and workout playlists, a City Walks deck of cards, a city guidebook, a map pedometer and towel.”
Even with all that I don’t think I would be walking around New York or D.C. in the middle of winter.
“The Hotel Palomar San Diego has a “Walk this Way” package. In addition to a deluxe room, guests get a pedometer, bottled water, power bar and foot lotion. Those who walk more than 10,000 steps the day they check in get 50% off a room if they return to the Palomar San Diego or Palomar Los Angeles by the end of this year.”
Too bad I won’t have the money for a plane ticket anytime soon.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My life in recap.

I think it is time for a quick recap of what has happened lately in my life.
I failed classes in both the fall and spring semesters at Thomas More College in northern Kentucky. I was having too many migraines and just was not able to focus. So I decided to take the fall 2012 semester off. My plan was to work at the museum and work on getting better.
September 23rd was my last day working at the Speed Art Museum.   They closed for three years to renovate.  During my last month working at the Museum, I looked for jobs in between all the migraines. I didn’t find anything but then again, I didn’t expect to. Who is going to hire someone who can’t get out of bed two to three days a week?
I applied for unemployment and went home to wait. By that point I was really starting to like the time I had and the idea of being a full time writer, though I knew I needed more discipline. My days were spent enjoying breakfast with my dad while we watched Anderson Cooper Live, taking my dad were he wanted to go that morning, and having the afternoons free to work on my to-do list or whatever else I wanted to do. I loved it and I still do.
My health got worse when I developed serve acid reflex and chest pain as a side effect of a medicine I was and still am on. My system will not accept even on day without this medicine.  I realized that there was no way I could ever find a job to support myself with my health like it is.  So I applied for SSI and Section 8.
Two days before I was to get my first unemployment check, I received a phone call from a very rude man, telling me that I would not be getting even the $30 per week I was expecting. The reason? I was not applying for full time work.
Now I am beginning into a new life as a full time writer who suffers from migraines. My parents know I want to write but I have not completely spelled out my desire to not work a part time job while I write. Somehow I am managing to live fairly well on only a $19 a month income from where my truck was stolen in June of 2011.