I have always had a strong love for the water which is quite ironic considering that I live in the land locked state of Kentucky.I did not always live so far from the ocean, I was born in Florida.Well actually it was a small little island in Tampa Bay. Even though I was born on the island and I am quite sure I have water in my veins I did not live out my childhood by the ocean.My family moved up to Kentucky before I had even turned two years old.My family has been going back to the island for one week every year for as long as I can remember.I spent my childhood mostly in Kentucky with one bless it week a year on my island. Every year I would count down the months until it was time to go back to my island. I make do with whatever rivers, lakes, and creeks I can find. Some people would tell me to buy a pool but to me it is not the same. I crave the beauty of the natural waters of this wide world.I love the ocean but I also love lakes and rivers. I would rather swim for hours on end in a river then for just one hour in a pool.If my friends or family can’t find me they head for the closest body of water, knowing that is where they will find me.Weather it is a river, lake or the ocean itself I can always be found there, wading in the water or sitting on the bank journal in hand writing about the beauty of the water.My family and friends might think I am crazy but I really would not think twice about jumping into the ocean or a river with all my clothes on.I am at home and at peace in the water.I hope to find myself in such peace again soon.
nothing can change the old memories but we should be proud that we live them..